Power washing is essential to the upkeep of any type of commercial property. Professional power washing helps remove the moss, grime, mold, and other contaminants that over time can degrade property. In addition, power washing sidewalks and walkways cuts down on accidental falls by cleaning away hazards that often go unnoticed. Our experienced, skilled, reliable cleaning crews will provide you with comprehensive power washing services.
The exterior appeal of your commercial property tells a lot about your business. The built-up of dirt, debris, grime, and other materials can cause great havoc to your commercial building, giving it a worn-down appearance and eventually leading to long-term structural damage if left un-attended. Professional power washing by an experienced and reputable cleaning company can go a long way in helping your property with the following:
Work with our experienced team to create a customizable solution that’s right for your business.
Professional Sanitizing and Disinfecting Cleaning Services
Dedicated to providing rapid emergency response 24/7, so you can have peace of mind in the event of an outbreak. We use products that are EPA approved and tested effective against COVID-19. Our skilled professionals follow strict CDC guidelines to help protect your workplace and employees.
Be Confident Your Dumpster and Dumpster Area is CLEAN!
We offer an affordable and new eco-friendly way to sanitize, disinfect, and deodorize dumpsters, recycle bins, compost, vertical compactors, and trash bins by utilizing state-of-the-art-equipment that lifts and cleans the inside of the dumpster in less than 90-seconds.
Our experienced team provides hot power washing services that blast away layers of dirt and grime to keep your building safe. We power wash sidewalks, storefronts, parking lots, parking garages, drive-thru, service entrances, and more.
NextGen has developed a comprehensive trash chute cleaning and maintenance program designed to meet your business' budget objectives. We deliver a turnkey service utilizing our specialized teams of certified technicians.
For COVID-19, other common viruses, bacteria, and more.
Dedicated to providing rapid emergency response 24/7, so you can have peace of mind in the event of an outbreak. We use products that are EPA approved and tested effective against COVID-19. Our skilled professionals follow strict CDC guidelines to help protect your workplace and employees.
NextGen Bin Cleaning specializes in commercial cleaning and sanitizing the interior of dumpsters bins/solid waste containers and compactors, dumpster and compactor pad cleaning, Facility & Building Cleaning - Power Washing Building Facades, Entrances, Buildings, Sidewalks, Parking Garages/ Lots, Loading Docks, etc., Trash Chute Cleaning, and Disinfecting Cleaning Services. We're MBE, SBE, and DBE certified, and Veteran-Operated Business, Licensed and Insured, and Environmentally Safe.
Copyright Nextgen Bin Cleaning LLC